Ok, everyone, that's me done for this year. I hope it's alright with you, but I'm going to have a two-week break. The plan is that I'll be back on 4 January. That's the plan. As some of you know, the plan didn't quite work out as I had intended last Christmas. I trust there will not be a repeat.
No review of the year this year; well yet. Maybe there will be or maybe not. And no songs of the year, except the one that caused the greatest response of all of the "quiz" songs. It's three years old, so not new, but it is the blog's song of the year and probably video of the year - the weird and wonderful "Hunter Green" by The Handsome Family that dates back to the entry of 4 May (As I Cross The Empty Road). And here also is the link to what is now the official blog Christmas song, as it was last year. Not that it has anything to do with Christmas as such, just the heavenly stars.
Laura Veirs, "To The Country":
The only other "of the year" for the moment is the award of Man of the Year to Miquel Ferrer, mayor Alcúdia, scourge of the train, and now minister for tourism. To be honest, he only gets the award because the photo is priceless, and the exact origin of this was when he was gathered before the press back in March and had to stifle the product of a throaty cough. Nevertheless, he looked as though he was dreaming, dreaming of trying to explain to the hoteliers' association why he put the mockers on the train ... . One can only hope, for Ferrer's sake, that the shaky coalition government stays in place till end-term in 2011. Relinquishing mayoral duties in Alcúdia, if an early election had to be called in the not-too-distant future, he might have wished that he had stayed on in Alcúdia.
To all of you who follow this blog regularly, to those of you who are new, let's forget this year and look forward to better times in 2010. This was my sign-off last year. It still sounds good, I think:
"At night the sky is a magician's show. The heavenly stars glow and vibrate. It is close to freezing, and one can almost imagine snow, the saw-teeth of holly and a choir of all is calm, all is bright. As the evening becomes tomorrow, the road is silent. The pines at the edge of Albufera appear as genial fluffy clouded puff-monsters silhouetted in the darkness. A night bird calls. And the power station throbs, a lowing cow by a distant manger. There goes a late plane across the speckled blackness and now a shooting star. It races from nowhere and disappears as quickly as it arrived. And once again it is silent, a silent night, and the heavenly stars twinkle on, and maybe that shooting star was something, someone, else. Who knows? Maybe it was him, a bearded man with large boots."
Happy Christmas, everyone.
Yesterday's title - Headless Heroes, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGgRlgySh_M.
Index for December 2009
Alcúdia and Can Picafort hoteliers join forces - 5 December 2009
Best bars in the world - 14 December 2009
Can Picafort, squatting in - 9 December 2009
Can Ramis building, Alcúdia - 12 December 2009
Christmas spending and the economy - 15 December 2009
Coalition government and politics - 6 December 2009, 13 December 2009
Coalition government and tourism development - 18 December 2009
Corruption cases, Unió Mallorquina - 2 December 2009, 3 December 2009, 4 December 2009, 6 December 2009, 10 December 2009
Miquel Ferrer is new tourism minister - 11 December 2009, 16 December 2009, 18 December 2009, 21 December 2009
Miquel Nadal resignation - 4 December 2009, 5 December 2009
Muro's recycled Christmas tree - 19 December 2009
North-south divide for British expats - 20 December 2009
Palms: disposal and killer beetle - 19 December 2009
Real Mallorca, Sid Lowe and - 16 December 2009
RNE3 radio station - 17 December 2009
Sa Pobla-Alcúdia railway - 18 December 2009
Smoking law in bars - 17 December 2009
Street names and law on historic memory - 1 December 2009
Temperature laws, confusion about - 8 December 2009
World Cup 2010 - 7 December 2009